Onboarding Wizard Defined Variables
The following table describes the list of variables that are configured in the Onboarding wizard and are applied in the CLI script runtime.
Variable |
Description |
{{CustomerId}} |
The Short Customer Name. |
{{CustomerId}}-t |
IP Group for Microsoft Teams leg identified by Short Customer Name. |
{{CustomerId}}-c |
IP Group for SIP trunk leg identified by Short Customer Name. |
{{SBC.CarrierID}} |
proxy-set-name and ip-profile-name. |
{SBC.OnlinePstnGateway}} |
The Known FQDN of the SBC device. |
{{SBC.EnableCAC}} |
Indicates whether Call Admission Control is enabled. |
{{SBC.CacProfile}} |
When {{SBC.EnableCAC}} is enabled, the name of the CAC Profile. |
{{ SBC.FlagCarrierRegistration}} |
Indicates whether the SBC is connected to a SIP trunk or BYOC. The following SIP definitions are created by the script:
{{SBC.CarrierUserName}} |
When {{ SBC.FlagCarrierRegistration}} is enabled, the username used to connect to the SIP trunk or BYOC provider. |
{{SBC.CarrierPassword}} |
When {{ SBC.FlagCarrierRegistration}} is enabled, the password used to connect to the SIP trunk or BYOC provider. |
{{SBC.CarrierHostName}} |
When {{ SBC.FlagCarrierRegistration}} is enabled, the host-name of the SIP trunk or BYOC provider. |
{{SBC.CarrierMainLine}} |
When {{ SBC.FlagCarrierRegistration}} is enabled, the contact-user of the SIP trunk or BYOC provider. |
{{this.DialPlanName}} |
Default hard-coded value: CustDialPlan |
{{SBC.DialPlanPrefixes}} |
SBC dial plan prefixes. |
{{this.Name}} |
Used to indicate the customer’s shortname. |
{{this.Prefix}} |
The prefixes configured in the dial plan rule. |
{{this.Tag}} |
Used to indicate the Known FQDN of the SBC device (PSTN Gateway) to match with {{this.Prefix}} in the Dial Plan Rule. |
{{sbcEscape PbxUser.E164}} |
The PBX Username used to connect to an IP-PBX provider. |
{{PbxUser.PbxExtension}} |
The PBX User extension used to connect to an IP-PBX provider. |
{{PbxUser.E164}} |
The PBX E164 username used to connect to an IP-PBX provider. |